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Category Archives: All Recipes

My Organic Garden – Greencrisp Burpless Hybrid Cucumbers

This year I tried a different variety of cucumbers, just to see if I will have more luck growing these for a longer time.

I selected the Greencrisp Burpless Hybrid Cucumber, by Burpee.

June – Traditional Wedding Month

Many weddings take place in June, maybe because lots of engagements occur before Christmas, and after New Year (close to Valentine’s Day).

I have not been attending any weddings lately, so I don’t have any new pictures to share, but if your did not get a chance to check out my previous wedding posts, you can enjoy them now, by clicking on the links below.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar – Birthday Party Theme

Our youngest grandson just turned ONE, hence a big celebration to honor this special occasion.

His mom chose a very appropriate theme for this Birthday Party, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, because our “little caterpillar” loooooves to eat.

Great Recipes for Strawberry Season

We are in the midst of the strawberry season in our area, and most other zones will follow very soon.
I have some great recipes to share with you, to help you out with the heaping baskets of strawberries you have been harvesting.