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Category Archives: Tortes

Happy 13th Birthday – A New Milestone

I am dedicating this post to my First Granddaughter who turns 13 today, hence a new milestone for her becoming an official TEENAGER!
Today I will provide links to all the birthday parties for this granddaughter from her First Birthday to her 13th Birthday.

It is a special day for me as well since to honor her birth 13 years ago, and making me a grandmother for the first time, I decided to take my son’s advice and start my own blog:  Thank you ALL for being such good sports following my blog and leaving such heartwarming comments…:-)

Honey Cake with Buttercream and Jam – European Recipe

This Layered Honey Cake recipe was born today due to the leftover buttercream from making my Shortbread sandwich cookies.

It is a very simple recipe to make, as you begin with baking a fluffy honey cake on a 13″ x 18″ cookie sheet, then cutting it into 3 even sections and layering them with buttercream and your favorite jam, then drizzling it with a glaze.

Decadent Tortes – Links and Pictures to Recipes

To simplify the search for my favorite recipes posted in my blog, I am creating groups of related recipes for everyone’s convenience.

This way you can go to one post where you will be able to view all the pictures of the recipes under that group and click on the link provided for the recipe you are interested in.

I think you will appreciate the time saved searching for recipes in my very broad selection which continues to expand further.