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Tag Archives: Buttermilk

Delicious Chocolate Buttermilk Cake with Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting- Recipe

This was my first cake recipe requiring buttermilk, so I was very excited to give it a try.

I used buttermilk in homemade waffles and liked the results, so I did not doubt that this cake would turn out great as well.

Vera’s Blueberry Muffins – Recipe

Vera is a friend of mine who is an excellent cook and a wonderful baker.  I love all her recipes, and she shares them with anyone who is interested in trying them out.

Today I will share her recipe for Blueberry Muffins which are simple to make, require a few basic ingredients, and absolutely melt in your mouth.  She suggests mixing anything you wish into the batter (fruits, berries, nuts, chocolate chips….), and tweaking the recipe to your preference.

Buttermilk and Chocolate Chip Pan Fritters (pancakes) – Recipe

My children love making homemade pancakes for their families and friends, from the recipe I posted for Pan Apple Fritters, but one of their friends suggested to me to use buttermilk and chocolate chips, hence this recipe today.

Buttermilk Waffles – Recipe

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, since it provides us with the “fuel” necessary to start our day. However many of us are too busy in the morning to fit this meal into our schedule, thus most people skip it altogether, or just grab something quick on the go, like a cup of coffee.

I try to have breakfast every morning, and on weekends I put extra effort to make it a little more special.