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Tag Archives: Detox

The Healing Power Of Soup – Per Dr. Maoshing Ni.

If you think your mom and grandma were the only ones preaching that soup was good for you, especially during illness, some scientists agree with this theory as well.

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The Temple – Phase Four – The Fat Smash Diet

Wow….it seems like I was just working on my first post about The Fat Smash Diet, introducing you to the whole routine, and now we have completed all the most important steps, learned lots of great lessons about food and portion control, got into our daily exercise routine, and posses some great lessons for life.

Detox Yourself – The Fat Smash Diet

A couple of years ago, a co-worker told me about the Fat Smash Diet book, written by Dr. Ian K. Smith. I looked through her copy, and liked what I learned, so I bought my own copy (it was only $12.95), and decided to give it a try.

The Fat Smash Diet is about smashing the bad habits, and learning the principles of healthy eating, plus physical activity to maintain a healthy life.

This program consists of 4 phases, and there is a list of suggested foods for each phase, as well as a list of foods to avoid during a particular phase. Each phase continues with the same foods from the original list, plus a gradual introduction of additional foods.