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Tag Archives: Passover

Red Beets Vinaigrette – Recipe

Red Beets are not a very popular vegetable, but they have moved up a couple of notches during the past year.

There are many ways to use red beets, but for the Eastern European cooks, the ever famous Red Beet Borscht is one of the more popular dishes prepared from red beets. Red beets salads are very often used as a side dish with the main course meal, in many Polish and Ukrainian cuisines.

Chocolate Toffee Matzoh – Passover Dessert Recipe

If you have been checking out my previous posts, and printed out some great recipes to try out for Passover, you will be happy to know that I saved a fabulous one for this post.

I am told that this recipe for Chocolate Toffee Matzos has been mentioned, several years back, on the Dallas Morning News, and my friend was so kind to share it with me.

Vegetarian Matzoh Lasagna – Passover Recipe

Most holidays, no matter if they are religious or secular, include large gatherings of family and friends, and lots of food to share with everyone.

Today I will share another recipe from Andi, for Vegetarian Matzoh Lasagna, which she prepares for their Passover gathering.