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Tag Archives: Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s Thanksgiving time again, hence my sincere THANK YOU to ALL, for visiting my blog, reading the posts, leaving lovely comments, and spreading the word to your family and friends.

I truly appreciate your time and effort, since the more readers I have, the greater the drive to continue creating new posts.

Thankful At Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday in the US. It brings our family and friends together to enjoy a meal, as well as to share memories of years past, and express thanks for everything life brings our way. I am thankful for all the  Lord’s

Thankful at Thanksgiving

This December I will celebrate my 2nd Blogging Anniversary, and am very pleased to inform you that my readership started with 600 visits per month, and currently it stands at 4500, and growing. ALL THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!