Special Kind of Love – Happy Valentine’s Day!
Someone shared this lovely and touching post with me, via email (original author unknown), so I needed so much to share it with all of you.
Someone shared this lovely and touching post with me, via email (original author unknown), so I needed so much to share it with all of you.
Yogurt is a healthy snack and should be part of everyone’s diet. The main ingredient in yogurt is milk, live and active cultures, plus other ingredients such as different fruits and flavors fortified with vitamins. Yogurt is made by adding cultures of certain healthy bacteria to milk. These microorganisms convert the lactose in the milk to lactic acid. The lactic acid gives yogurt its tartness and causes the milk to form a soft curd.
Yogurt is a great source of calcium for strong bones, speeds up metabolism, and improves digestion.
When we think of the word “organic” we relate to something that is natural, wholesome, crude, unrefined, untreated. Most often we think of fruits and vegetables as organic when they have been cultivated in harmony with nature without being treated with chemically enhanced fertilizers and pesticides.
The Detox Phase of the Fat Smash Diet was successfully completed after the 9th day.
Didn’t the 9 days just fly by? Aren’t you feeling better already? It feels great!
Phase Two is much easier to keep up with than Phase One, regarding the food selection. Even though we still continue with all the foods from Phase One, we are making new additions. In this phase, we are introducing back some of the foods excluded during the past nine days. The importance of eating 4-5 smaller meals per day remains in addition to the healthful snacks in between.
I was searching for a healthful vegetarian soup recipe, and after reading the Fat Smash Diet recipes, I came up with my own version of the Lentils with Broiled Mushrooms and Asparagus soup.
I used most of the ingredients in that recipe, but in larger quantities, and applied a slightly different cooking process in completing it. Today I am posting my version, as I am quite pleased with the taste and texture of this hearty soup.