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Category Archives: Breads

Steamed Fruit Dumplings – Recipe and Technique

This recipe is a very old favorite of mine. It reminds me of my grandmother’s cooking days and my Sunday visits to her with my mom.
I love these fluffy dumplings because they are so light in texture, and so delicious served with melted butter and sugar.
This recipe goes back to my great-grandmother who was of German descent, and most likely back to her mother and grandmother, which datewise would go back to the 1700s.

Challah Bread – Simple Recipe

I was always impressed by the look of braided challah bread since it looked complicated to create out of dough.  I enjoy challenging myself, so I decided to make one of my own and share my experience with all of you.

Brioche Knotted Rolls – Recipe and steps

I baked other delicious rolls in the past, but this is my first time making Brioche Rolls, and I am very pleased with the results.  These rolls are plainer and less sweet (lower in calories) than the ones I baked in the past, but still very impressive looking and tasty.

Katrusia’s Paska – Recipe

I already have several different Paska/Babka recipes that I tried and loved. Still, this one sparked my interest because it only requires 4 cups of flour to make two medium-sized Paska, hence perfect for a smaller family.