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Category Archives: Gardening

Refreshing Tomato Salad – Recipe

Meatless dishes are a welcome change to our family’s daily routine of meat based meals.
Today I will post one of the tomato salads my mom used to prepare, which brings back many childhood memories.

Cucumber salad

I have just picked some fresh cucumbers from my garden…..they are so fresh and tender you can eat them with the peel on, unlike the ones you purchase at your grocer (no wax coating on these babies….).  

Cucumbers may be used in various ways: in tossed salads, tea sandwiches, sliced and served plain or with a dip, in numerous appetizers,  etc.  I love my cucumbers dressed with sour cream or vinaigrette style.

Happy Valentine’s Day -Know Your Roses

It is a well known expression that “Diamonds are girl’s best friend”, but I think roses also fall in the same category.

If you are thinking of buying roses, Red seems to be the most popular color for Valentine’s Day, however for other occasions you may want to select your roses in a different color.

Today I will help you expand your horizons about the different colors of roses and their symbolism, so next time you are shopping for these beauties, you will feel more confident with your selection.

Botvinka – Red Beet Leaf and Herb Soup

Once my garden produces an abundance of fresh herbs and vegetables, the time is right to cook Botvinka. Soups are very popular in Eastern Europe and are the first course of a lunch or dinner meal, just like tossed salads in the U.S.

The name for this soup derives from the description of the tops (botvinka – leaves, and stalks) of very young red beet plants, which are the major ingredient in this soup. This dish is full of goodness of fresh, young, green leafy vegetables, and because they are so tender, they require very short cooking time.