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Category Archives: Meatless dishes

Super Bowl Party – Favorite Foods

The Super Bowl is just around the corner.  PARTY TIME!!

If you are still looking for recipes for your party, I am sharing pictures and links to some of my favorites.  They are quick to prepare and perfect for your guests to enjoy while supporting their favorite football team.

Lentils With Mushrooms and Asparagus – Vegetarian Soup Recipe

I was searching for a healthful vegetarian soup recipe, and after reading the Fat Smash Diet recipes, I came up with my own version of the Lentils with Broiled Mushrooms and Asparagus soup.

I used most of the ingredients in that recipe, but in larger quantities, and applied a slightly different cooking process in completing it.  Today I am posting my version, as I am quite pleased with the taste and texture of this hearty soup.

Green Goddess Quinoa Salad – Recipe

This Quinoa Salad with Magic Green Sauce became my favorite from the first time my daughter-in-law served it for lunch during one of our visits.
It could easily be a light lunch meal in itself, or as an accompaniment to a main course.
Today I will share a recipe for the salad, since you already have the recipe for the sauce/dressing from my previous post.

The Fat Smash Diet – Healthy Lifestyle

If you have been following my blog, you already know that I am very impressed with The Fat Smash Diet, and I love following all the phases at least once every year, with gratifying results.
Of course, before making this decision, you should check with your Primary Care Physician if your medications and pre-existing conditions will allow you to make these lifestyle changes.

Some people feel it is too harsh (no coffee or alcohol for 9 days…wow…), but it is perfect for my taste and my lifestyle.