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Tag Archives: Walnut cake

Ukrainian Festive Walnut Torte – Recipe

Ukrainians pride themselves on baking the best tortes, and Walnut Torte is one of the most traditional
Torte preparation requires time and patience, but as with any other recipe made from scratch, it is a labor of love and well worth the effort.

Favorite Sheet Cakes – Pictures and Links to Recipes

I have been maintaining my blog for several years now, and there are over 750 recipes that I prepared, pictured, and posted.

To simplify the search for a favorite recipe, I decided to prepare new posts with pictures and links to groups of similar recipes, which will allow you to quickly and conveniently locate the one you wish to try.

Four Layer Sheet Cake – Recipe

I prepared this cake several times in the past but was not ready to share it until I figured out an easier way of handling this delicate dough.
The original recipe calls for lekvar as one of the fillings, but since I am not a big fan of lekvar, I tried other flavors of the Solo cake filling instead, including my own apple filling included with this recipe.