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Monthly Archives: December 2008

Christmas Bark Recipe

I really enjoy trying new recipes, especially if I am expecting a large family gathering. Feedback from multiple samplers helps me decide on winning recipes. This Christmas Bark recipe, really sparked my interest, because it is very easy to make, and turns a simple saltine cracker into a scrumptious delicacy. I am sure your family and friends will love it as well.

Kitchen Gadget – Chef’n Garlic Zoom

While shopping for stocking stuffer for Christmas, I visited a Kitchen Specialty Shop, and among other very interesting items, I came upon one that I was always wishing for….a reliable garlic chopper. I already have several onion choppers, but do not have a garlic chopping gadget.

Your Home Appliances And KWH Usage

The major energy user in your home is:
• The heating/cooling system
• Electric water heater
• Refrigerator
• Dryer
• Lighting.
Based on the KWH usage you can calculate the $$ it will cost you to operate these:

Ukrainian Christmas Traditions

Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. Everyone is rushing around to get shopping done, attend parties, put final touches on holiday decorations, and plan holiday meals.

The Ukrainians have many rich traditions associated with the celebration of Christmas. Many of them have been modernized to accommodate everyone’s busy lifestyle, but others are still kept original, and passed on from generation to generation.