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Category Archives: Soups

White Chocolate Vichyssoise with Chicken

Did you ever hear other people absolutely rave over food, which you never had a chance to taste before, but always wanted to try it, to be able to form your own opinion?

Strawberry Soup – Refreshing Recipe

There are so many different ways to consume strawberries, such us serving it plain, sliced with whipped cream, baking a Strawberry Shortcake, making a berry smoothie, and also cooking a very refreshing summer dish – Strawberry Soup.

Tomato Soup – Recipe

What do you do with all those ripe tomatoes you have just picked off from your garden, or bought at a farmer’s market? You can share them with your neighbors, if they don’t grow their own, and if you are certain that they like tomatoes and are not allergic to them. If you decide to keep them, but you really do not want to spend lots of time in the kitchen, by making home made tomato sauce, you can turn them into a very fast and easy, yet very tasty tomato soup.

Ukrainian Christmas Traditions

Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. Everyone is rushing around to get shopping done, attend parties, put final touches on holiday decorations, and plan holiday meals.

The Ukrainians have many rich traditions associated with the celebration of Christmas. Many of them have been modernized to accommodate everyone’s busy lifestyle, but others are still kept original, and passed on from generation to generation.