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Category Archives: Saving Money

Steamed Fruit Dumplings – Recipe and Technique

This recipe is a very old favorite of mine. It reminds me of my grandmother’s cooking days and my Sunday visits to her with my mom.
I love these fluffy dumplings because they are so light in texture, and so delicious served with melted butter and sugar.
This recipe goes back to my great-grandmother who was of German descent, and most likely back to her mother and grandmother, which datewise would go back to the 1700s.

Ukrainian Doughnuts – Anna’s Recipe

My mom made the best homemade doughnuts, using her European recipe.  Hers are so much better than the quick recipe I used before. 

Every Christmas Eve my mom joined us for dinner, and always brought in a huge platter of freshly made doughnuts.  We all are still reminiscing about those sweet memories.

Today I will share that recipe with you all, in memory of my mom’s baking and cooking.

Delicious Chocolate Buttermilk Cake with Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting- Recipe

This was my first cake recipe requiring buttermilk, so I was very excited to give it a try.

I used buttermilk in homemade waffles and liked the results, so I did not doubt that this cake would turn out great as well.

Cabbage Rolls – Vegetarian Recipe & Technique

Most of you already are familiar with Cabbage Rolls, but to Eastern European cooks, they are known as Holupki. Holubtsi, or Golabki. All Cabbage Rolls may look the same, yet be very different, depending on the filling used to prepare them. The most popular filling consists of cooked rice mixed with ground beef and spices; however you can also use rice or buckwheat mixed with mushrooms, spiced up mashed potatoes, or a vegetarian filling, which I will introduce in this recipe. Cabbage Rolls are not the easiest dish to prepare, since it requires a lot of prep work beforehand, especially the cabbage, but if you love them, it’s well worth the effort.