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Tag Archives: Wedding Cake

Ukrainian Wedding With A Very Personal Touch

My family and I had the great pleasure of attending a very special Traditional Ukrainian Wedding. What made this wedding extra special, is that it was very close to our hearts, and many of the traditional wedding items were created by people very close to the heart of the Bride and Groom.

New Year’s Eve Wedding

June is a month for weddings… least that is what everyone is saying.  Well, since I am running behind in my wedding posts, I am taking this opportunity to create a short post about a New Year’s Eve wedding I had a pleasure of attending.

I have attended a Christmas season wedding before, but this was my first time at a New Year’s Eve wedding.

It actually was a lot of fun, because until midnight we all were enjoying a typical wedding atmosphere, but as the clock struck midnight the party switched to a New Year celebration.

Ukrainian -German Wedding -Interesting Traditions

This mid-December wedding had a Christmas theme, and it took place in Germany (Bavaria…to be exact), with breathtaking scenery of snow covered hills and tree tops.

The Bride incorporated her Ukrainian traditions into the wedding ceremony and reception, and the Groom complimented it with his German wedding traditions.

Ukrainian Wedding With A Special Flair – Culture and Traditions

I have been keeping you updated with all the weddings I attended this year, and here is one more, and it might not even be the last once for this year, since I just received a “save a date” for a December wedding.

This wedding was a traditional Ukrainian wedding as you have already learned about his culture, in my previous posts.