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Monthly Archives: December 2023

Dark Chocolate and Ganache Torte – Recipe

For the past three years I have been making her favorite Chocolate Cake with Fleur de Sel Caramel Filling, but this year I just wanted to do something different.

She selected a Dark Chocolate Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache, so I took her up on the idea, and baked the above pictured cake.

Ukrainian Festive Walnut Torte – Recipe

Ukrainians pride themselves on baking the best tortes, and Walnut Torte is one of the most traditional ones.
Tortes require time and patience, as you can see from reviewing this recipe, but it is a labor of love, and well worth the effort.

Cabbage Rolls – Vegetarian Recipe & Technique

Most of you already are familiar with Cabbage Rolls, but to Eastern European cooks, they are known as Holupki. Holubtsi, or Golabki. All Cabbage Rolls may look the same, yet be very different, depending on the filling used to prepare them. The most popular filling consists of cooked rice mixed with ground beef and spices; however you can also use rice or buckwheat mixed with mushrooms, spiced up mashed potatoes, or a vegetarian filling, which I will introduce in this recipe. Cabbage Rolls are not the easiest dish to prepare, since it requires a lot of prep work beforehand, especially the cabbage, but if you love them, it’s well worth the effort.

Saint Nicholas – Ukrainian Tradition

While most children are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the big, jolly fellow in a red suit, who sneaks into their houses through the chimney with presents for everyone, or at least this is how the legend has it, Ukrainian children get their small gifts on December 6th, from Saint Nicholas.