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Monthly Archives: February 2024

The Great Lent Is Here Again – Over 30 Vegetarian Recipes

The Great Lent begins on Monday, as it always does for the Byzantine Rite Catholics. 

The Great Lent for Roman Catholics does not start until Ash Wednesday, so they have two extra days to enjoy meat meals. They also celebrate a very traditional Fat Thursday, when they enjoy their delicious “Paczki”, doughnuts.
I personally like to prepare meatless meals on Wednesdays and Fridays for the duration of the Great Lent, as well as during the full Holy Week, which is the week just before Easter Sunday.

Pecan Tartlets – Recipe

These Pecan Tartlets will leave a memorable impression on your dessert plate as well as on everyone’s palate.
They may look complicated to prepare, however, with the use of a tart shaper tool, shaping the dough into the tart cups is a breeze.