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All posts by Suburban Grandma

Caramel Apple Dip – Recipe

With the upcoming holidays like St. Nicholas Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year, there will be lots of parties to attend and lots of party foods to prepare and sample. I will contribute, by posting some of my favorite recipes for these occasions.

Chicken/Turkey Croquettes (Cutlets) – Recipe

This Chicken Croquettes (Cutlets) recipe is a creative way of making a new meal out of leftover chicken, or turkey meat.

When I roast a whole chicken for the two of us, I end up with three meals out of that one bird.

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Giving Thanks – Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, family and friends are finalizing their travel arrangements, turkey is defrosting, Black Friday is inevitable, and most of all,


Asian–Style Turkey Burgers – Recipe

Thanksgiving is almost here. You love turkey, but this year you want to keep it low key, and I have just the right recipe for you….ASIAN-STYLE TURKEY BURGERS!!!!