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Category Archives: Words of Wisdom

Cabbage and Sausage Soup – Recipe

Winter is not over yet, so don’t be fooled by the warm sun during the day.  The nights are still quite cold, so perfect time for a bowl of hot homemade soup for dinner.

This Cabbage and Sausage Soup recipe is from Nick Stellino’s site, but for your convenience I am posting it here as well.

My sister-in-law tired this recipe first, and her family unanimously approved it, so she suggested for me to try it.

It takes less 30 minutes to prepare.

The Fat Smash Diet – Phase One Foods

As I mentioned to you in my previous post about the Fat Smash Diet, there are 4 different Phases you go through during this program, and each phase has a list of suggested and excluded foods.

Some of the excluded foods in one phase are being introduced back into your diet in the next phase, so for ideal success, you need to follow these food suggestions, eat 3-4 smaller meals per day, follow the same eating schedule, and continue to exercise.

Just think, this phase is only 9 days long….you can do it!!

Happy Easter – Julian Calendar

Most Catholic Christians already celebrated Easter this year on April 21st.

However Orthodox Christians, and some Catholics whose churches still follow the Julian Calendar, will celebrate Easter this Sunday, April 28th.

Baby Shower – Diaper Cakes and Craft Ideas

Baby showers are a lot of fun to prepare and to attend.  These are such happy moments not only for the new parents, but also for all the guests.
This post should have taken place a little sooner…like 2 years ago……but I am sure you will enjoy it now as much as you would have then…..:-)
I will share many pictures of diaper cakes prepared for this occasion, as well as some really fun craft ideas to experiment with at such occasions.

Simple Tips To Cut The Cost Of Your Utility Bills

With utility bills constantly going up, there is not much you can do about the rates, but you can be creative about conserving energy, and cutting the usage cost of your everyday appliances, and lighting, plus doing some comparison shopping when planning to purchase major appliances.