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Tag Archives: Shrimp

Fish Consumption – Good or Bad for You?

We always have been told that eating fish is good for our system, especially due to the Omega-3-Fatty-Acids it contains.

Actually, there is a lot of truth to that, since fish is a low-fat, high protein food.

However, we have to be well-informed shoppers, in order to actually select the fish which is healthy for our consumption.

While shopping for fish, or enjoying it in a restaurant, we should not only pay attention to the type of fish we are selecting, and the price range, but also its origin:

Wild caught, or Farm-Raised/Farm-Bred
Imported, or from USA

Shrimp “Paprikash” – Recipe

While doing my grocery shopping today, I noticed fresh AMERICAN shrimp in the seafood department (if you pay attention to labels, you will notice that majority of the shrimp you find is from China, India, Indonesia…. something that I will not purchase. Click on these links to read more about it.

Shrimp Casserole – Lemon and Butter Recipe

Today I baked fresh shrimp with herbs, lemon, and butter. It was fairly simple to prepare (except for the cleaning and deveining), and fine tasting, however shrimp scampi, and Broiled Salmon , are still my favorite seafood recipes thus far.