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Monthly Archives: September 2012

Red Velvet Mini Cupcakes – Skinny Recipe

The Red Velvet Cupcakes recipe originated from a website I visit frequently, however I modified it slightly to fit the mini cupcakes I was making, to cut down on the total fat and calories per serving.

My Flower Garden – End of Summer Blooms

Summer is coming to an end with Labor Day behind us, students gone back to school, days gotten shorter, my vegetable garden slowly closing in as well, but the cooler nights are very favorable for my flower patches.

Alphabet Theme Birthday Party

The party theme was Alphabet Letters, thus whole party room was decorated with letters, and each letter had an appropriate picture of the birthday boy’s activities from the past year. It was fun, creative and adorable.

Colorful Veggies in our Garden

Gardening is such a relaxing and rewarding hobby. It gets you out of the house, into fresh air surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Best of all, you are rewarded with fresh, organic veggies throughout the season, and especially at harvest time.

Amazing Paths

If you like to travel, you will agree that some of the places you visit are totally amazing, and breathtaking.
I do not know who the photographer is, and where these pictures were taken, but they are awesome.