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Category Archives: Cakes

Chocolate Fudge Cupcakes with Salted Caramel Frosting – Recipe

This project could not get any simpler, since even though it requires some work from scratch, the main ingredient for the batter is Devil’s Food Cake Mix from a box.
These cupcakes were one moist chocolaty goodness, topped off with a perfectly salted caramel frosting.

Red Velvet Mini Cupcakes – Skinny Recipe

The Red Velvet Cupcakes recipe originated from a website I visit frequently, however I modified it slightly to fit the mini cupcakes I was making, to cut down on the total fat and calories per serving.

Alphabet Theme Birthday Party

The party theme was Alphabet Letters, thus whole party room was decorated with letters, and each letter had an appropriate picture of the birthday boy’s activities from the past year. It was fun, creative and adorable.

Cream Puffs With Chocolate Filling – Recipe

The dough for cream puffs is rather simple, but the preparation technique is interesting, since it requires cooking of some of the dough ingredients, before turning them into the actual dough for baking.

June – Traditional Wedding Month

Many weddings take place in June, maybe because lots of engagements occur before Christmas, and after New Year (close to Valentine’s Day).

I have not been attending any weddings lately, so I don’t have any new pictures to share, but if your did not get a chance to check out my previous wedding posts, you can enjoy them now, by clicking on the links below.