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Category Archives: Meatless dishes

Chickpeas and Spinach Soup – Vegetarian Recipe

I prepared this soup for my family and it earned high approvals, hence I decided to share the recipe with all my blogging friends.

It is very simple and quick to prepare, plus it is loaded with very healthy and nutritious ingredients.  I made it with vegetable broth to keep it vegetarian, but it would also be just as delicious with chicken broth.

Baby Lima Bean Salad – Vinaigrette Recipe

Whenever we decide to change our eating habits, we begin to search for new recipes to expand our culinary horizons.

Today I put together this Baby Lima Bean Vinaigrette salad, which is very healthful, vegetarian, and fits perfectly in the Fat Smash Diet category I am currently following.  It is full of protein from the Lima Beans, plus the goodness of the other vegetables and seeds incorporated into it.

Texas Caviar – Super Bowl Party Vinaigrette

This is a very simple, light, refreshing, and colorful vegetarian salad perfect for a light lunch, afternoon snack, or to share at a party, barbecue, or any fun gathering.

Chickpeas Vinaigrette – Vegetarian/Vegan Recipe

Chickpeas, also known as Garbanzo Beans, is very high in protein, thus an excellent food choice for vegetarians, and vegans, and great for Fat Smash Diet folks.

I prefer vinaigrette salads over the ones with mayo, and would easily choose many vegetables over some meats. This Chickpeas Vinaigrette salad is just the perfect combination for me, and you might like it as well.

The Fat Smash Diet – Healthy Lifestyle

If you have been following my blog, you already know that I am very impressed with The Fat Smash Diet, and love following all the phases at least once every year (usually mid-January), with very rewarding results.
Of course, before making this decision, you should check with your Primary Care Physician if your medications and pre-existing conditions will allow you to make these lifestyle changes.

Some people think it is too harsh (no coffee or alcohol for 9 days…wow…), but it is perfect for my taste and my lifestyle.