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Buttermilk Waffles – Recipe

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, since it provides us with the “fuel” necessary to start our day. However many of us are too busy in the morning to fit this meal into our schedule, thus most people skip it altogether, or just grab something quick on the go, like a cup of coffee.

I try to have breakfast every morning, and on weekends I put extra effort to make it a little more special.

Spring Showers – Baby Showers

April showers bring May flower, but spring months also burst with wedding showers, and baby showers.

I had a pleasure of attending a baby shower a couple of weeks ago, and as always, I look for and admire, the creativity of others.

Beef Roulade – Recipe

Everyone has their favorite foods which they crave from time to time, and especially around some special dates, like holidays or birthdays.

My husband just celebrated his Birthday, so I prepared his favorite food for his special day. For the main course I prepared a beef dish, Beef Roulade (his second choice next to Fillet Mignon on the grill), and Ice Cream cake for dessert.