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Giving Thanks – Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, family and friends are finalizing their travel arrangements, turkey is defrosting, Black Friday is inevitable, and most of all,


Asian–Style Turkey Burgers – Recipe

Thanksgiving is almost here. You love turkey, but this year you want to keep it low key, and I have just the right recipe for you….ASIAN-STYLE TURKEY BURGERS!!!!

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No More Peeling Potatoes – Easy New Method

Here is a very simple question, regarding not such an easy task:

Do you like peeling potatoes?

Peeling potatoes doesn’t look difficult, especially when someone else is doing it, right?

Red Beets – Health Benefits

If you have been following my posts, you already know that one of my hobbies is gardening.

The growing season is over, but my organic garden is still supplying me with some of the herbs and vegetables.

I will post my red beet recipes in future posts, but this time I would like to tell you a little bit about the health benefits of this vegetable.

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Heart Attack – Follow Up

My previous post on Heart Attack- Self Help, provided some helpful information on what symptoms to watch for, if you think you or someone else might be experiencing a heart attack.

One of my readers, “Busy Mom” , left a very informative comment, which I felt I should share with those of you who read the posts, but not necessarily the comments.

Here is what she wrote: