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Tag Archives: Greeting Bread

New Year’s Eve Wedding

June is a month for weddings… least that is what everyone is saying.  Well, since I am running behind in my wedding posts, I am taking this opportunity to create a short post about a New Year’s Eve wedding I had a pleasure of attending.

I have attended a Christmas season wedding before, but this was my first time at a New Year’s Eve wedding.

It actually was a lot of fun, because until midnight we all were enjoying a typical wedding atmosphere, but as the clock struck midnight the party switched to a New Year celebration.

June – Traditional Wedding Month

Many weddings take place in June, maybe because lots of engagements occur before Christmas, and after New Year (close to Valentine’s Day).

I have not been attending any weddings lately, so I don’t have any new pictures to share, but if your did not get a chance to check out my previous wedding posts, you can enjoy them now, by clicking on the links below.

Ukrainian Wedding With A Special Flair – Culture and Traditions

I have been keeping you updated with all the weddings I attended this year, and here is one more, and it might not even be the last once for this year, since I just received a “save a date” for a December wedding.

This wedding was a traditional Ukrainian wedding as you have already learned about his culture, in my previous posts.