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Tag Archives: Vegetarian recipe

Couscous Salad – Vegetarian Recipe

I have been searching for recipes with couscous and chickpeas, hence the recipe I am sharing today. It is such a fun vegetarian dish for healthy eating, and a great addition to my recipes for the Fat Smash Diet, and meatless menu.

Steamed Fruit Dumplings – Recipe and Technique

This recipe is a very old favorite of mine. It reminds me of my grandmother’s cooking days and my Sunday visits to her with my mom.
I love these fluffy dumplings because they are so light in texture, and so delicious served with melted butter and sugar.
This recipe goes back to my great-grandmother who was of German descent, and most likely back to her mother and grandmother, which datewise would go back to the 1700s.

Portobello Veggie Burgers – Vegetarian Recipe

The Great Lent is here already, at least for the Eastern Rite Catholics, therefore I will share my new meatless recipe for Portobello Veggie Burgers.

These burgers are not only great for lent, but anytime when you feel like taking a break from eating meat.

If you wish to view a list of my previous 25 meatless recipes for the Lent season, please click on this link to enjoy.

Multi-Grain Dumplings (Varenyky, Perogie) – Gluten Free Recipe

Verenyky, Pierogi, Perogy, Dumplings, no matter what you call them, you will find them on every Eastern European menu.

This time I used Gluten Free Pizza Crust Whole Grain Mix, and the dumplings turned out awesome.

Eggplant Rollatini – Light Recipe

Recently I had a very tasty Eggplant Rollatini at a dinner with friends, and would like to share the recipe with you today.

It is a very simple dish to prepare, especially if you use the store bought tomato sauce.