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Monthly Archives: January 2021

The Fat Smash Diet – First Day OF Detox

I already informed you about the Fat Smash Diet, introduced you to the book, posted the food list, and hopefully convinced you to join me, so we can have fun together.

So today is the BIG day, our first day of Detox, and as with anything else in life, first is always the most challenging. It will get easier with each passing day, believe me, because you are building up your confidence, self control, and most of all, you begin to feel better and eat healthier.

I printed out my lists of Recommended and “DO NOT” foods, and posted it on my refrigerator. My food shopping was done on Saturday, and on Sunday I jotted down my basic plan for my daily eating routine and a quick first day menu.

Honey Cake with Buttercream and Jam – European Recipe

This Layered Honey Cake recipe was born today due to the leftover buttercream from making my Shortbread sandwich cookies.

It is a very simple recipe to make, as you begin with baking a fluffy honey cake on a 13″ x 18″ cookie sheet, then cutting it into 3 even sections and layering them with buttercream and your favorite jam, then drizzling it with a glaze.