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Category Archives: Health

Very Moist Cottage Cheese Pancakes – Recipe

These pancakes came out really moist, and not very sweet.

Serving them with blueberry pie filling sweetened them enough, but maple syrup was also a delicious alternative.

Vegetarian Recipes

Vegetarian dishes are a welcome change anytime in my menu planning, not just during the Great Lent.

If you are looking for tested vegetarian recipes, I am more than happy to share some links to my previous posts.

Hot Soups for Cold Weather

With the cold weather upon us, we begin to crave comfort foods and hot soups.

Thanksgiving turkey is all gone by now, but I still have my homemade soup stock (frozen) from the turkey carcass which I cooked last Friday.

Freshly Baked Garlic and Herb Bread – Dutch Oven Recipe

I just baked another loaf of homemade bread, using the Dutch Oven.
This time I got a little more adventurous, and modified the original recipe, to create a more flavorful bread.