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Category Archives: Chicken

Roasted Chicken – Recipe And Many Tips

Roasted whole chicken for a family meal, is one of my favorite recipes. It is perfect for anyone who likes to have a home cooked meal without too much fuss, and still having leftovers for couple more meals. A dream come true for all!

Tomato Soup – Easy, Simple and Delicious Recipe

If you are craving some delicious tomato soup, but don’t have much time to spend by the stove, this recipe is perfect for you.

Your soup will be done in minutes, and it will be homemade to your taste.  You can prepare a small sandwich while the soup is cooking, and your dinner is ready.

Super Bowl Party Favorite Recipes

Super Bowl is fast approaching, so it’s my time to share few of my favorite recipes with you.

Today I am providing you with links to my previous party food posts.

Please visit my site at your leisure on regular basis, to find new recipes to try and enjoy.

Fresh Dill Sauce – Eastern European Recipe

Europeans love serving various home-made sauces with their meats and potatoes.

Even though pasta and rice often accompanies meat dishes, potatoes are most popular.
One of those sauces widely used in Eastern Europe, is a Fresh Dill Cream Sauce, which pairs great with Varenyky, Meatless Holubtsy, Palushky, Kendle, Vegetarian Burgers, etc.