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Rice Krispies Treats – Recipe

Rice Krispies Treats make an excellent snack for kids and adults. They are very simple to make, require very few ingredients , and best of all, a short preparation time. It can’t get any better than that!

You can make them plain, or dress them up with colorful sprinkles, M&Ms, drizzled with melted chocolate, or to make them extra yummy, cover them with chocolate ganache…..ahhhh.

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Doing Laundry Helpful Hints – Living Green

You will learn about getting the laundry done, and save money at the same time.

You already know that washing clothes in cold water, not only saves energy by not heating your water, but also extends the life and appearance of your clothes, especially the dark colored ones.

Super Chocolate Ice Cream Cake – Recipe

Last year I made an Atkins diet chocolate cake for this birthday boy, so this time I decided to put together a little bit of this and a little bit of that, and came up with this Super Chocolate Ice Cream Cake with Double-Stuffed Oreo, topped off with Rich Chocolate Ganache.

If you love ice cream, chocolate, and Double Stuffed Oreo cookies, this cake will hit the spot for you.

Grapefruit And Your Medication- Other Home Remedies

I enjoy reading about natural ways of helping our body to stay healthy, heal itself, and even cure itself of various ailments. The pharmacists in my family do not support my theory of homeopathic treatments, and have a rather very strong opposition towards these type of remedies.

However, I came across an article once, which stated that grapefruit juice does not mix well with some medications, and here is what my daughter told me based on her professional medical knowledge:

Crocheting Project – Baby Set

I embroidered an Easter outfit for my granddaughter this past spring, so now the time has come to make something special for my, very soon to join us, grandson.

We are extremely excited, and anxiously awaiting his arrival. What can bring more love and satisfaction than making something with your own hands, and throughout the whole process keeping that person in mind, and close to your heart.