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Tag Archives: Detox

The Fat Smash Diet – Healthy Lifestyle

If you have been following my blog, you already know that I am very impressed with The Fat Smash Diet, and love following all the phases at least once every year (usually mid-January), with very rewarding results.
Of course, before making this decision, you should check with your Primary Care Physician if your medications and pre-existing conditions will allow you to make these lifestyle changes.

Some people think it is too harsh (no coffee or alcohol for 9 days…wow…), but it is perfect for my taste and my lifestyle.

The Fat Smash Diet – Phase One Foods

As I mentioned to you in my previous post about the Fat Smash Diet, there are 4 different Phases you go through during this program, and each phase has a list of suggested and excluded foods.

Some of the excluded foods in one phase are being introduced back into your diet in the next phase, so for ideal success, you need to follow these food suggestions, eat 3-4 smaller meals per day, follow the same eating schedule, and continue to exercise.

Just think, this phase is only 9 days long….you can do it!!

Detox Smoothie – Happy Tummy Smoothie

I have been testing various detox smoothie recipes and sharing them with you.
Today I am posting a Happy Tummy Smoothie, which tastes great, and really works. I am not sure why they call this Happy Tummy….since I’ve experienced its affect on my whole digestive system.

New Year Resolutions – Healthy Eating Habits

I also have this guilty feeling about not sticking to my healthy eating habits, and really miss the great feeling I experienced three years ago, after finishing Phase I of The Fat Smash Diet.