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Tag Archives: donations

Coronavirus – Cover Your Faces In Public Places

None of us would have ever imagined in our wildest dreams, the velocity of the coronavirus pandemic.

Unfortunately it is real, it here and everywhere, and we are dealing with it the best we know how.
While sewing these masks and dealing with the stress of our son’s illness, I was thinking about the purpose of my masks, which inspired me to compose a short poem and to share it with all of you today.  

March 8 – International Women’s Day

Today is an International Women’s Day. It is an occasion marked by women’s groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday.

This is a very special day for women who are treated with dignity, love and appreciation, but hardly carries the same value for numerous women, mostly in underdeveloped counties, who struggle to survive.

When I came across this article about a very intelligent, enthusiastic, and driven to make a difference, young lady, Rebecca Kousky, I just had to spread the word.