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Tag Archives: Homemade bread

Breads and Rolls – Baking with Yeast Recipes

Baking is a lot of fun, but when you work with yeast for your baked goods, you need to set aside a much longer period of time to complete your project to allow for the rising time of the dough.  Plus you need a favorable temperature of your surroundings to have success with your baking.

I am dedicating this post to all my bread and rolls, and all recipes requiring yeast as the leavening agent.

Homemade Bread – No Knead Recipe

If you are craving some crusty, fresh bread, you will be surprised how easy it is to make it yourself without too much fuss and effort. It only takes flour, water, yeast and salt. NO KNEADING required.

One Hour French Bread – Quick and Delicious Homemade Bread Recipe

I love fresh bread, and lately have been testing many breads and rolls recipes.  They all are absolutely delicious.

Some require a little more time than others, but none are too labor intensive or difficult to achieve.

I always thought that the ” No Knead”  bread recipe was simple, and it is, but when I found this one for ONE HOUR bread, I could  not believe it, until I made it and found it absolutely effortless and delicious.

I would have made it into a baguette, but since I do not have a  special baking pan it requires, I used two loaf pans instead.

Freshly Baked Garlic and Herb Bread – Dutch Oven Recipe

I just baked another loaf of homemade bread, using the Dutch Oven.
This time I got a little more adventurous, and modified the original recipe, to create a more flavorful bread.