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Tag Archives: Nature

Amazing Paths

If you like to travel, you will agree that some of the places you visit are totally amazing, and breathtaking.
I do not know who the photographer is, and where these pictures were taken, but they are awesome.

Nature’s Beauty In My Back Yard

If you have been reading my posts for the past few years, you already know that one of my favorite pass times is spending time outdoors in my garden, and taking pictures of the Beauty of Nature.

Signs Of Spring – Or Mass Confusion

A couple of weeks ago, on Saturday, we had a gorgeous day. It was sunny, pleasantly warm, with the temperature in the low 50ties, but what was so peculiar about it, is that it’s still the middle of winter. Mother Nature reminded us of this reality during this past weekend.

As you know, I love nature and gardening, so I could not resist to go outside and check out how my garden is doing this time of the year.

I was pleasantly surprised, and quite confused, when I noticed some of my spring plants already popping out of the ground. It definitely is way too early for them to be peeking out, but then again, it’s the call of Mother Nature.

Suburbs or Cities – Love Them Or Leave Them

Recently I read an article, Suburbia R.I.P, written by Michael Cannell, leaving me with a feeling that living in the suburbs is a dying dream….” In the wake of the foreclosure crisis many new subdivisions are left half built and more established suburbs face abandonment”. There might be some truth to this statement, since the downturn in our economy affects everyone, including the suburbs. The new home constructions did slow down considerably, but I have yet to see “half built” abandoned subdivisions, or totally abandoned suburbs.