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Tag Archives: Palushky

Sweet Potato (Palushky) Gnocchi – Recipe

If you are looking for an idea to use up your leftover mashed potatoes, whether it is white or sweet potatoes, gnocchi, or palushky, are your best bet.

With Thanksgiving coming up, you just might want to keep this recipe in mind, as for sure you will have some leftover potatoes to turn into a new dish.

Quality Time With My Granddaughter

We all have our own way of measuring our success, and counting our blessings.

As for me, I feel very fortunate to have wonderful children, and now adorable grandchildren.

The Great Lent – Vegetarian Meals

The Great Lent began about two weeks ago, which means that those who follow this tradition, abstain from eating meat at least on Friday of every week, or some even do it on Wednesdays as well.

If you are like me, and are used to having meat at least once or twice per day, preparing meatless meals a couple of times per week might create a challenge.

I have been posting some of my meatless recipes during this past year, so if you are searching for ideas, here are the links to these posts: