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Tag Archives: Sour Cream

Refreshing Tomato Salad – Recipe

Meatless dishes are a welcome change to our family’s daily routine of meat based meals.
Today I will post one of the tomato salads my mom used to prepare, which brings back many childhood memories.

Avocado Egg Salad – Light Recipe

If you like egg salad, but don’t care for the mayo in most of them, you will enjoy this recipe.
Today I created a light version of egg salad with Avocado and Greek Yogurt.

Coleslaw with Apple – Recipe

Coleslaw is one of my favorite salads from the past which I still love to prepare and serve.

Today I am sharing my current recipe which includes a Granny Smith apple as one of the ingredients.

Mushroom Spinach Soup – Recipe

Today I used the rest of my fresh spinach to make this delicious Mushroom Spinach soup.

I made other mushroom soups in the past; here are the links to Lentils with Mushrooms and Asparagus, and Ukrainian Mushroom and Vegetable Soup.   However, the spinach in this recipe adds a new dimension to it.