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Tag Archives: Sour Cream

Botvinka – Red Beet Leaf and Herb Soup

Once my garden produces an abundance of fresh herbs and vegetables, the time is right to cook Botvinka. Soups are very popular in Eastern Europe and are the first course of a lunch or dinner meal, just like tossed salads in the U.S.

The name for this soup derives from the description of the tops (botvinka – leaves, and stalks) of very young red beet plants, which are the major ingredient in this soup. This dish is full of goodness of fresh, young, green leafy vegetables, and because they are so tender, they require very short cooking time.

Cream Cheese/Jello Dessert – Recipe

Jello desserts are great any time, but I love them that much more during the summer months.

Then again, whipping up a jello dessert mixed with cream cheese and fruit, how can you beat that?

Broccoli Salad – Recipe

Broccoli is not the most popular vegetable, being part of the cabbage family, but it is very rich in vitamin C, and a great source of fiber. It is great cooked, steamed, or served raw in salads, or with dips.

Whole Wheat Varenyky(Pierogi) – Recipe

Did you ever have a moment when you set you mind on preparing something for dinner, and then you realize that you are short on the amount of the main ingredient?