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Tag Archives: Sour Cream

Cream Cheese/Jello Dessert – Recipe

Jello desserts are great any time, but I love them that much more during the summer months.

Then again, whipping up a jello dessert mixed with cream cheese and fruit, how can you beat that?

Refreshing Tomato Salad – Recipe

Meatless dishes are a welcome change to our family’s daily routine of meat based meals.
Today I will post one of the tomato salads she used to prepare, which brings back many childhood memories.

Broccoli Salad – Recipe

Broccoli is not the most popular vegetable, being part of the cabbage family, but it is very rich in vitamin C, and a great source of fiber. It is great cooked, steamed, or served raw in salads, or with dips.

Whole Wheat Varenyky(Pierogi) – Recipe

Did you ever have a moment when you set you mind on preparing something for dinner, and then you realize that you are short on the amount of the main ingredient?