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Monthly Archives: February 2023

Rosettes – Savella’s Recipe

This recipe is from the Traditional Ukrainian Cookery cookbook by Savella Stechishin (pg.415) if you have her book.  This book was extremely popular in the 1970s, and now you still can find it on

I love making these Rosettes for special occasions because they look so dainty, but it is a time-consuming process like with most baking projects.

Fruit Filled Crepes

One of my favorite recipes from my mom, is a recipe for crepes. She usually filled them with creamed, and sweetened, farmer’s cheese. I like my crepes filled with fresh fruits, or fruit preserves ( I use Smucker’s Sugar Free Fruit Preserves), served with fruit syrup (also by Smucker’s), and whipped cream. This dish may be served as a light main course, or as a dessert. Makes about 8 crepes.

Super Bowl Party – Favorite Foods

You don’t have to be a fan of any team or even love watching football, but this should not stop you from having lots of fun attending or hosting a Super Bowl Party.

Everyone is always looking forward to the excitement of the game, the half-time entertainment, the greatest commercials, and of course, lots of delicious food, and plenty of drinks.