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Category Archives: Life

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Women And Retirement – Get Involved

I came across this article about women and retirement, so of course I had to read it, and then needed to vent a little.

It is still men’s world out there…we came a long way, but not far enough…yet!

I commend young ladies who value education, go on to college and become professionals, and are easily self supporting, if needed to, then also start families and continue the traditional life cycle.

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Going Green in 2010

Hopefully all of you are already faithful supporters of “living green”, and one of your New Year’s Resolutions is to continue your loyalty throughout 2010 and onwards.

Today I will share a tip with you about cutting down on the numerous pieces of unwanted “junk mail”, which comes to your mail box, and mine, and how to put a stop to that, and at the same time save thousands of trees from being destroyed to produce this wasted paper.

Pressure Points In Your Feet – Chart And Videos

Those of you who were lucky enough to be recipients of gift certificates for a massage, especially a foot massage, will find this post of interest, and schedule your massage without delay.

If you are still dreaming of such experience, then don’t forget to include it on your gift list for next year.

Here is a very interesting and informative video, which provides a short summary of reflexology and pressure points in your feet.