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Mrs. Z’s Deviled Eggs

If you like deviled eggs, you will agree that every cook has his/her special touch in making them.  The main recipe is always the same, but everyone adds something extra to make it their own. This particular recipe was created by me, and the men in our family enjoy these Deviled Eggs very much.

Tea Gadgets – Snap Close Pincer Spoon Infuser, Tea Strainer, Tea Pot Cozy

I am an avid tea drinker, and while most people start their morning with a cup of coffee, I begin my day with a fresh cup of hot herbal tea, sweetened with a teaspoon of honey (Orange Blossom Honey is my favorite).
I use a spoon infuser to prepare my cup of tea, and it is a fun and simple process.

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January – Words of Wisdom

As I mentioned in my home page, I enjoy good humor, and will try to post a “family friendly” joke/humor/words of wisdom of the month. January – words of wisdom: Remember:  You don’t stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop

Splendid 2 in 1 Pressure Cooker by Fagor

The single most convenient, time and energy saving piece of cookware in my kitchen is my pressure cooker. Most of my meals are ready in 15 minutes, which is at least a third of the time it would take to prepare them the usual way. Presto Pressure Cooker was my first pot I ever bought, and used it for over 20 years. During this time I only had to replace the gasket, and the pressure regulator (which I misplaced). Last year I finally let it retire, and replaced it with Splendid 2 in 1 Pressure Cooker by Fagor.

Kitchen Gadget – Cake Leveler

I enjoy baking cakes, and stacking them up into multi-layer tortes. However, layering cakes evenly could to be quite challenging. Once again, I was on a lookout for a gadget which would come to my rescue, and I found the “Cake Leveler”. It precisely levels and tortes cakes up to 10 inches wide, and adjusts up to 2 inches high (contains 10 notches).

It is quite simple, but works like magic. It is a “must have” for every cake decorator. The easy-to-adjust wire, which is stretched between two, notched for adjustment, legs of the holder, cuts perfect layers, while reducing crumbs.

Operating instructions: