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Mushroom Spinach Soup – Recipe

Today I used the rest of my fresh spinach to make this delicious Mushroom Spinach soup.

I made other mushroom soups in the past; here are the links to Lentils with Mushrooms and Asparagus, and Ukrainian Mushroom and Vegetable Soup.   However, the spinach in this recipe adds a new dimension to it.

Chickpeas and Spinach Soup – Vegetarian Recipe

I prepared this soup for my family and it earned high approvals, hence I decided to share the recipe with all my blogging friends.

It is very simple and quick to prepare, plus it is loaded with very healthy and nutritious ingredients.  I made it with vegetable broth to keep it vegetarian, but it would also be just as delicious with chicken broth.

Baby Lima Bean Salad – Vinaigrette Recipe

Whenever we decide to change our eating habits, we begin to search for new recipes to expand our culinary horizons.

Today I put together this Baby Lima Bean Vinaigrette salad, which is very healthful, vegetarian, and fits perfectly in the Fat Smash Diet category I am currently following.  It is full of protein from the Lima Beans, plus the goodness of the other vegetables and seeds incorporated into it.

Texas Caviar – Super Bowl Party Vinaigrette

This is a very simple, light, refreshing, and colorful vegetarian salad perfect for a light lunch, afternoon snack, or to share at a party, barbecue, or any fun gathering.

Meatballs In A Blanket (Stuffed Knedle Dumplings) – Eastern European Recipe

These dumplings are almost a complete meal in itself, since you have the potatoes, the meat, plus add your favorite gravy, or a savory tomato sauce, and dinner is ready.