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Category Archives: Casseroles

Spareribs with Barbecue Sauce – Pressure Cooker Recipe

As you already read in my log, I am using a pressure cooker on regular basis, for cooking quick meals on a busy day. I will share a few of my favorite pressure cooker recipes. Here is one for Spareribs with Barbecue Sauce. My family likes this dish served with boiled, chunky potatoes, seasoned with sauteed onions, salt, and pepper to taste.

Italian Sausage and Kraut – (Pressure Cooker Recipe)

If you like sausage and kraut, you will love this combination all in one meal.
Kraut takes a while to cook in a regular pot, but with a pressure cooker, your meal will be ready in 15 minutes. My family enjoys this meal served with boiled potatoes, tossed with butter and dill.

Delicious Passover Recipes – Tested and Loved

I have some wonderful Jewish friends who are getting ready to celebrate the Passover Holiday.

I have previously prepared and posted several Passover recipes, but today I am providing pictures and links, for your convenience.

Super Bowl Party – Favorite Foods

You don’t have to be a fan of any team or even love watching football, but this should not stop you from having lots of fun attending or hosting a Super Bowl Party.

Everyone is always looking forward to the excitement of the game, the half-time entertainment, the greatest commercials, and of course, lots of delicious food, and plenty of drinks.

Mahi Mahi in Veggie Casserole – European Recipe

Mahi Mahi is already a mild tasting fish, but the veggie vinaigrette seasons it further, masking the fish taste.

This dish may be served hot as a meal, or at room temperature as an appetizer. For best results, serve it the next day, so all the flavors have time to absorb and marry.