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Tag Archives: Ukrainian Easter Bread

Easter Bread Paska and Babka – 3 favorite Recipes

I have been baking Easter Paska for several years now using this favorite recipe my family loves.

Lately, I started to experiment with other recipes just to see how different this bread is from my usual recipe.

The work is the same, but the texture does differ between these recipes, however, they ALL are absolutely delicious.

Breads and Rolls – Baking with Yeast Recipes

Baking is a lot of fun, but when you work with yeast for your baked goods, you need to set aside a much longer period of time to complete your project to allow for the rising time of the dough.  Plus you need a favorable temperature of your surroundings to have success with your baking.

I am dedicating this post to all my bread and rolls, and all recipes requiring yeast as the leavening agent.

Paska – Ukrainian Traditional Easter Bread

It seems like Easter is still several weeks away, hence lots of time for Paska baking, but not according to my “social” calendar.

Those of you who bake with yeast, know that this process is time consuming, so you can’t just plan to bake Paska in the evening after work, like you would cake or cookies. You need several hours of tending to this bread making project, which means….weekend time.

Ukrainian Easter Paska – Ukrainian Easter Bread

Easter is upon us, hence time to prepare not only our soul, but also the menu for this beautiful holiday.
I love Ukrainian Easter traditions, as well as the beauty of the beginning of spring.

Ukrainian Traditional Paska – Wonderful Baking Experience

Thursday was our family Paska Baking Day….three generations of bakers – mother, daughter and granddaughter.
We had so much fun, especially my 6-year-old granddaughter, who did a beautiful job helping with measuring the ingredients, and decorating her Paska (above picture).