My Organic Garden – Herbs, Fruits, Vegetables
I already showed you some of my flower patches, and I mentioned my small organic garden, which I started two years ago. All my plants are cultivated in a mix of mushroom soil and organic gardening soil. I do not use any additional fertilizers, and definitely no pesticides.
I grow perennial herbs and fruits, and annual vegetables.
This is my organic garden.
Here are some of the plants in my garden:
Parsley, Basil, Dill Weed, Oregano,Green Beans, Potato Plant, Red Beets
The fruit group includes:
Blueberry Bush, Blueberry Flowers, Green Blueberry Fruits
Raspberry Bushes , Raspberry Flowers , Raspberry Green Fruits
Blooming Strawberries, Blushing Fruits , First Harvest
My vegetables selection changes annually, but mostly consists of: Tomatoes, Zucchini, Summer Yellow Squash, Red Beets, Cucumbers, Green Beans, and this year I have added a couple of potato plants and Sorrel plants.
I will share some pictures of these as the “fruit of my labor” begins to show a little bit more.
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